Frequently Asked Questions

What are the technical requirements for using the Building Healthy Families site?

We recommend using Google Chrome for the best performance and user experience. Please note that email addresses are case sensitive, meaning that the system discriminates between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, the email address is read differently than

What accessibility features are available?

We encourage you to use the UserWay widget to improve accessibility. You can access the menu by selecting the blue circle image at the lower right side of any page. If you're using a screen reader, tab to the item with instructions, "Open accessibility menu."

The UserWay Website Accessibility Widget is powered by a dedicated accessibility server. The software allows Building Healthy Families to improve its compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1).

I have been navigating the website for some time and now need to get back to the home page, how can I do so?

No matter where you are within the website, you can always access the home page by selecting the Building Healthy Families logo on the top left hand corner of the website. (You also can access any section of the website by selecting any of the options at the top of the website, or on the blue menu button at the top right corner within any session.)

I cannot seem to find the Data Portal, how do I access it?

At the top of the website, or on the blue menu button within sessions, there are six options labeled, “Training, Session Guide, Recruitment, Data Portal”, etc. Select the menu item for Data Portal, and you will be directed to its landing page.

How do I get into the Coordinator Training?

To access the role-specific coordinator training you must first complete the Training Overview with a score of 80% or higher. If you have completed the Training Overview but still cannot access the role-specific coordinator training, send us an email at or give us a call at 308-865-8336.

How do I access the Session Guide?

Before you can access the Session Guide you must complete the Training Overview and training for your role. Once you have completed training you will be able to access the Session Guide by selecting the "Session Guide" menu item at the top of the website and choosing the desired session.

What if I have additional questions regarding Training and Session materials?

Send us an email at with your questions, or give us a call at 308-865-8336.

How do I set up my account?

Once you are added to the site by an existing coordinator you will receive an email with your login email address, a temporary password, and a login link. Click the login link and enter the appropriate email address and temporary password - then continue to follow the prompts. You will have 30 days from when you first receive the invitation email to complete your account setup, if it has been longer than 30 days since receiving your initial account setup email, contact us at or call 308-865-8336.

I am not receiving an email when attempting to reset my password, what do I do?

You will be unable to reset your password until you set up your account. If your account has already been set up and you do not receive a password reset email within 10 minutes of attempting a password reset, make sure that you are using the exact case sensitive email address listed in the initial invitation email. If you still cannot reset your password, contact us at or call 308-865-8336.